Featured at The New York Times, Today Show at NBC, ARD German station, UP magazine, 2022
Featured at MASBC "Joy Reid's show", UP magazine, rtve news, The Nation, cartoon movement,2022
Featured at rtve news, VOA, Manoto, 2022

peace, featured at MSNBC Joy Reidie's show, rtve,2022
Resistant, featured at rtve, manoro, tavana,2022

Featured at The Nation, VOA news, tavana, manoto news,2022
Even jail, featured at rtve news, tavana, VOA news,2022
feature at MSNBC
Ayatollah, featured at tavana, cartoon movement, 2023

New home for mullahs, 2023

Woman, life, freedom, revolution, 2023


Woman, life, freedom,2022

Journalist in prison, featured at VOA news, cartoon movement, radio zamaneh ,tavana,2022
featured at tavana

No to election, featured at tavana

featured at manoto, tavana,, rtve

The anniversary of Islamic revolution in Iran, featured at tavana

featured at tavana news

featured at tavana news

featured at tavana news

Morality police in Iran

featured at tavana

featured at tavana news

free Toomaj, featured at tavana

featured at tavana, manoto show

featured at VOA news

fatured at VOA news

featured at manoto news

featured at VOA news

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

featured at tavana news

featured at tavana news

featured at international Nosoroge magazine

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran, cartoon movement

featured at the persian tv show

Navi Ali, 2004

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

featured at Nishkhat magazin in iran

Advertising comic strip

Advertising comic strip

Advertising comic strip